Hameri Annisa, ST

Hameri Annisa, ST

@ hameriannisa
    Mechanical Engineer

Data Diri

Nama  :  Hameri Annisa, ST
Tempat, tgl lahir  :  Matur, 17 Aug 1997
Agama  :  Islam
Jenis Kelamin  :  Perempuan
Status Perkawinan  :  Belum Kawin
Alamat  :  Narada Street No. H1, Komplek Abadi, Jakarta Timur
Telepon  :  085375540777
Email  :  hameriannisa@gmail.com

Pendidikan Formal

  • 2018 - 2022 : S1 - Teknik Mesin Universitas Andalas, Padang - Sumatra Barat

Pengalaman Pekerjaan

Nama Perusahaan : PT. FAJAR RIAU WISATA

Nama Pekerjaan : -

Penugasan : Responding to any questions from customers related to bus rental; Explain matters related to the type of bus that will be used by the customer; Provide suggestions to customers for suitable tourist sites to visit

Nama Perusahaan : PT. Indonesia Power PLTU Banten 1 Suralaya

Nama Pekerjaan : -

Penugasan : Successfully finished the research about "Analysis Efficiency of Boiler Feed Pump Turbine in PT. Indonesia Power PLTU Banten 1 Suralaya Operation And Maintenance" ; Followed routine maintanance checklist and make daily report ; Checked damage around property and contacted supervisor with findings


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