Nama |  :  | Heri Susanto, ST |
Tempat, tgl lahir |  :  | Lampung, 11 Nov 1980 |
Agama |  :  | Islam |
Jenis Kelamin |  :  | Laki-laki |
Status Perkawinan |  :  | Kawin |
Alamat |  :  | Sidomulyo, 002/005, Sidomulyo, Lampung Selatan, Lampung |
Bandar Lampung | ||
Telepon |  :  | 0811528750 |
 :  | |
Nama Perusahaan : PT. Buana Archicon
Nama Pekerjaan : Jasa Marga Manado ( JMB ) Toll Road
Penugasan : Reviewtheprojectdesignapprovaldrawings and maintain optimal workflow; Explain the aspect that affect the result of the comments given in the project documents; Monitoringmechanicalelectricalwork : Traffic Light, High mast, Highway Lighting, Deep well, Air conditioning, Piping; Lightning protection, Electrical office building, Electrical toll gate; Utility relocation : PLN, PDAM, TELKOM and others utility; Meeting with contractor ( PT. ADHI KARYA)to discuss problems in the field and progress project; Carry out quality assurance tests to discover errors and optimize usability
Nama Perusahaan : PT. Multhi Phi Bet
Nama Pekerjaan : Bakauheni – Terbanggi besar Toll Road ( Hutama Karya ) section 3 & 4 , Lampung
Penugasan : Reviewtheprojectdesignapprovaldrawings and maintain optimal workflow; Explain the aspect that affect the result of the comments given in the project documents; Monitoringmechanicalelectricalwork : Traffic Light, High mast, Highway Lighting, Deep well, Air conditioning, Piping; Lightning protection, Electrical office building, Electrical toll gate; Utility relocation : PLN, PDAM, TELKOM and others utility; Meeting with contractor ( PT. PP )to discuss problems in the field and progress project; Carry out quality assurance tests to discover errors and optimize usability
Nama Perusahaan : PT. Multhi Phi Beta
Nama Pekerjaan : Bakauheni – Terbanggi besar Toll Road ( Hutama Karya ) section 2 , Lampung
Penugasan : Reviewtheprojectdesignapprovaldrawings and maintain optimal workflow; Explain the aspect that affect the result of the comments given in the project documents; Monitoringmechanicalelectricalwork : Traffic Light, High mast, Highway Lighting, Deep well, Air conditioning, Piping; Lightning protection, Electrical office building, Electrical toll gate; Utility relocation : PLN, PDAM, TELKOM and others utility; Meeting with contractor ( PT. Waskita Karya ) to discuss problems in the field and progress project; Carry out quality assurance tests to discover errors and optimize usability
Nama Perusahaan : CV. Sinar Jaya Teknik
Nama Pekerjaan : Generally work as contractors
Penugasan : Generally work as contractors; Install, maintain and repair electrical control, wiring, and lighting systems; Read technical diagrams and blueprints; Perform general electrical maintenance; Troubleshoot electrical issues using appropriate of testing devices.